Friday, March 26, 2010

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Prelude to a Curtsy

think i prefer the colors in the center. they magically appeared (errr... accidentally) by saving without first converting to the correct color profile. yez, photography geek speak.

very happy to see eblogger (google) finally improved their blogging interface. i had started looking elsewhere to host the site since it was astonishingly annoying to use.

I'm back!

Quack quack.

These are my Soft Jammies

and they are my case you didn't know. I want to wear them all day every day, and I will remind you of this fact each and every day I am not wearing them, because as far as I am concerned, there is no reason to wear anything other than my favorite jammies.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Sophia came over to play

What a super morning that was.

What happened to my room??!??

Sorry, we've been a little pre-occupied lately.

A torrential rain-induced mold issue had me quarantined from my room and sleeping in mom and dad's bedroom. Things are better now and I'm back in my own room with all my pals.